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change in speed中文是什么意思

用"change in speed"造句"change in speed"怎么读"change in speed" in a sentence


  • 速度变化


  • On schuler-tuned compasses this error is avoided by cutting out damping during changes in speed and course .
  • It continuously recognizes , learns and responds to individual walking styles and keeps pace with changes in speed , load and terrain
  • Capable of independent thought , it learns how the user walks , recognizing and responding immediately to changes in speed , load and terrain
  • Circulation water pump is well designed to fit for dyeing crafts of different kinds of hank yarn with changes in speed by much more leather belt wheels of degrees
  • If you are carrying a pillion passenger , even an experienced person , it is better to ride with more caution than usual and avoid sudden changes in speed and course where possible
  • They are designing new inertial guidance systems which would guide rockets and interplanetary spaceships by using devices which detect changes in speed and direction and make necessary adjustments automatically
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